Energy Freedom Initiative

Welcome to the Energy Freedom Initiative(EFI). (originally unveiled: Feb 2004)

The immediate goal of the EFI is to eliminate the importation of all petroleum from the Persian Gulf within five(5) years.

We believe we have the 'seed' of an idea with enormous potential and the ability to 'sell' it to the political establishment and the American public. To add your voice to the EFI, click here.

Why the Energy Freedom Initiative Now?

2003 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
4,476,501,000 bbls 20.4% 912,749,000 $27.71 $25,292,274,790.00
2004 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
4,811,104,000 bbls 19.0% 912,447,000 $35.90 $32,756,847.300.00
2005 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
5,005,541,000 bbls 17.0% 851,855,000 $48.86 $41,621,635.300.00
2006 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
4,968,269,000 bbls 16.2% 806,203,000 $59.02 $47,582,101.060.00
2007 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
4,905,234,000 bbls 16.1% 791,928,000 $67.04 $53,090,853.120.00
2008 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
4,726,994,000 bbls 18.4% 867,559,000 $92.77 $80,483,448.430.00
2009 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
4,267,110,000 bbls 14.4% 616,371,000 $59.17 $36,470,672.070.00
2010 Oil Imports
Crude Oil Imports(bbls) Persian Gulf Import Percent Persian Gulf Oil Imports(bbls) Oil Price Persian Gulf Oil Sales
4,304,533,000 bbls 14.5% 624,638,000 $75.88 $47,397,531.440.00
source: US Department of Energy
Jan 21, 2012 Oil per barrel price:$98.39
current price source:
annual average price source:

The political climate of the Persian Gulf led to the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979-80, two wars in Iraq and the attack on the USS Cole and of course, September 11, 2001.

In our view, our nation's addiction to oil, leading to expenditures of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR to a region that clearly does not share our values presents a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to our national security.

Do we really have allies in the region? Here is an Associated Press article.

In this context, we feel that it is in our IMMEDIATE interest to formulate a solution with a clear timetable to eliminate the requirement of importing oil from the Persian Gulf.

Our aim is to offer a funding method by which we can achieve this goal within five(5) years while simultaneously maintaining the standard of life to our which nation has become accustomed.

Ample evidence from our past exists to prove that in times of crisis, our nation's capability for innovation is unmatched in the world. The 'Manhattan Project' during World War II and our exploration of the moon in the 1960's are but two of the most visible achievements of our nation's scientific community. We believe that we can harness that same innovation and apply it to our nation's oil addiction.

US on the Moon

What is the Energy Freedom Initiative(EFI).

Quite simply, the idea behind the EFI is to fund a 'Manhattan Project' for Energy.
Our proposal to fund the project is a Federal Retail Sales tax in the amount of $ .0025. That is 25 cents($0.25) per one hundred dollars($100.00).

The table below was obtained from the Department of Commerce

Personal Consumption
Billions of current dollars 2006 2007 2008 2009
Personal consumption expenditures. 36,329.3 38,291.4 39,405.0 39,309.2
Durable goods
Motor vehicles and parts 1,588.5 1,601.1 1,369.3 1,250.3
Furniture and household equipment 1,106.1 1,119.3 1,080.5 1,012.8
Recreational good and vehicles 1,293.8 1,350.8 1,359.4 1,310.1
Other durable goods 543.8 570.7 571.3 563.8
Nondurable goods
Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption 2,791.8 2,960.3 3,137.3 3,160.2
Clothing and footwear 1,320.2 1,364.9 1,350.0 1,302.8
Gasoline and other energy goods goods 1,347.8 1,471.8 1,652.3 1,229.7
Other nondurable goods 2,894.9 3,020.8 3,092.6 3,200.5
Housing and utilities 6,743.8 7,052.4 7,374.8 7,513.0
Healthcare 5,523.0 5,878.2 6,216.8 6,503.9
Transportation services 1,187.9 1,229.7 1,231.1 1,218.4
Recreation services 1,395.3 1,486.9 1,532.4 1,530.4
Food services and accommodations 2,239.0 2,351.6 2,434.6 2,422.7
Financial services and insurance 3,009.5 3,296.9 3,342.5 3,313.8
Other services 3,343.9 3,536.0 3,660.1 3,776.4
Personal consumption expenditures excluding housing and housing utitlies 29,585.5 31,239.0 32,030.2 3,1796.2
Annual Revenue from .0025% tax(Billions) 73.96 78.10 80.08 79.49
Four Year(2006-09) Revenue from .0025% tax for Energy Research $311,627,250,000.00

As you can see, an enormous amount of resources could be obtained with a relatively painless retail or consumption tax.
The manned spaced program, beginning with Mercury, to the landing on the moon by Apollo at a cost of $100 Billion, demonstrates the ability of government to achieve remarkable advances, given the political will.

Currently, both government and private industry are working towards the same goal of reducing our dependency on foreign energy resources. However as would be expected, their motivations are different. One seeks a more stable, clean and secure energy resource while the other seeks new retail outlets within the context of changing times. Some would argue that the goals are not in competition, but are actually part of a whole, but it's not an issue which we which to contend here.

Here are a some projects(and data) that reflect our immediate and long term goals:

2003 Testimony of David K. Garman, Asst Secy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Dept of Energy,  on the Hydrogen Economy

While we applaud these beginning steps towards a petroleum-free transportation system, you will notice that funding over a five(5) year period was set at $1.2 Billion. We feel that our initiative could multiply this investment several-fold without burdening the American public.
By contrast, you can see from the charts above, that over $300 Billion could have been raised in four years(2006-09) and dedicated for research into hydrogen, or any other non petroleum based eco-friendly energy source.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Check in on how the hydrogen research, as outlined by David Garman(see above) is progressing. Note that the NREL is also involved, though not to the extent we would like, in a variety of renewable energy sources.

Sustainable Transport Systems -- A Sustainable Scenario for the 21st Century

A report from the World Energy Council

Renewable & Alternative Fuels Energy Statistics from the US Government

From the Dept of Energy's Energy Information Administration.

Photovoltaics at the DOE

From the Dept of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.


US Code from the GPO.

US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Keep an eye on the US Government's Legislative activities surrounding renewables.

Search Google for US Federal Renewables Investment

Browse through an enormous amount of information on renewable energy.

info AT restorefaith DOT org
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