Personal Consumption |
Billions of current dollars |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
Personal consumption expenditures. |
36,329.3 |
38,291.4 |
39,405.0 |
39,309.2 |
Durable goods |
Motor vehicles and parts |
1,588.5 |
1,601.1 |
1,369.3 |
1,250.3 |
Furniture and household equipment |
1,106.1 |
1,119.3 |
1,080.5 |
1,012.8 |
Recreational good and vehicles |
1,293.8 |
1,350.8 |
1,359.4 |
1,310.1 |
Other durable goods |
543.8 |
570.7 |
571.3 |
563.8 |
Nondurable goods |
Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption |
2,791.8 |
2,960.3 |
3,137.3 |
3,160.2 |
Clothing and footwear |
1,320.2 |
1,364.9 |
1,350.0 |
1,302.8 |
Gasoline and other energy goods
goods |
1,347.8 |
1,471.8 |
1,652.3 |
1,229.7 |
Other nondurable goods |
2,894.9 |
3,020.8 |
3,092.6 |
3,200.5 |
Services |
Housing and utilities |
6,743.8 |
7,052.4 |
7,374.8 |
7,513.0 |
Healthcare |
5,523.0 |
5,878.2 |
6,216.8 |
6,503.9 |
Transportation services |
1,187.9 |
1,229.7 |
1,231.1 |
1,218.4 |
Recreation services |
1,395.3 |
1,486.9 |
1,532.4 |
1,530.4 |
Food services and accommodations |
2,239.0 |
2,351.6 |
2,434.6 |
2,422.7 |
Financial services and insurance |
3,009.5 |
3,296.9 |
3,342.5 |
3,313.8 |
Other services |
3,343.9 |
3,536.0 |
3,660.1 |
3,776.4 |
Personal consumption expenditures excluding housing and housing utitlies |
29,585.5 |
31,239.0 |
32,030.2 |
3,1796.2 |
Annual Revenue from .0025% tax(Billions) |
73.96 |
78.10 |
80.08 |
79.49 |
Four Year(2006-09) Revenue from .0025% tax for Energy Research |
$311,627,250,000.00 |